Poster Submission Site

Submission Deadline: Friday, June 1, 2018 (11:59 PM Central)

Click here to submit a poster

The American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Annual Conference is the premier event for diabetes educators. AADE18 is an exceptional opportunity to be a part of innovation in the world of diabetes and healthcare. More than 3,500 diabetes educators and other healthcare professionals are expected to gather at the AADE18 Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland on Friday, August 17 – Monday, August 20, 2018.  AADE18 will allow you to connect, collaborate and educate yourself and others about pressing diabetes-related issues.

The Annual Conference Planning Committee invites you to submit a poster to be considered for presentation in Baltimore.

Education Session Tracks:

For further information on the track topics, click here (link to tracks description documents)


Submission Site

There are tasks that must be completed before you can submit the proposal. The submission site will allow you to save your work after each task is completed.  You do not have the ability to save your work mid-task.

The submission site requires the following information. We recommend that you review the required information prior to starting your submission to ensure you have everything you need in order to submit and begin your submission well in advance of the deadline.  Users unfamiliar with the submission site and last minute rushes to submit work are the primary source of error in the submission process.

  • Poster Title – 100 maximum characters; AADE reserves the right to adjust Session titles
  • Poster Type (General and Research) – Poster Presentations communicate diabetes concepts and data to an audience using a combination of visuals (graphics, charts, diagrams, etc.) and text.
  • Presenters – All individuals (presenters and planners) who contributed to the work discussed in the education session proposal are to be listed:
    • Contact information – Name, email address
    • Professional Information – Title/Position, Company/Organization, Credentials
    • Role – Submitter, Primary presenter, Co-presenter
    • Other required details – Description of current position, Professional Experience/Publications, Academic Degree, Speaker Biography
  • Details
    • Content Outline – Identify major concepts with corresponding learning objectives and include timeframes. An example of a correct timeline is available within the submission page.
    • Description of Poster – Maximum of 120 words. Provide at least three measurable behavior objectives. Select content area and instructional strategies from the list provided. Educational gap will need to be identified.
      • Research Abstracts* – The body of the abstract must include the purpose, significance of the study, subjects, design and methods, data analysis and results (statistical tests if appropriate) interpretation and conclusions. If applicable, note any funding source. *Only studies that have been completed will be accepted for research abstract submissions.
    • Learning Objectives – Three (3) learning objectives that must begin with an action verb. Describe what you want the participants to have learned after reviewing your poster.

Conflict of Interest and Disclosures – Details regarding conflict of interest information and off-label usage is required.  Planners and presenters who do not provide conflict of interest will be disqualified. Employees of commercial interest cannot serve as planners, presenters, authors, and/or content reviewers if the content of the educational activity is related to the products OR services of the commercial interest organization.

  • Policies – Must indicate acceptance of all policies:
    • Commercialism – Individuals employed by a commercial interest are not permitted to present, unless the topic is unrelated to their products or services.  A commercial interest is defined as any entity producing, marketing, reselling, or distributing healthcare goods or services consumed by or used on patients, or an entity that is owned or controlled by an entity that produces, markets, resells, or distributes healthcare goods or services consumed by or used on patients. Providers of clinical service directly to patients are not ‘commercial interests.’  Use of commercial interest supplied handouts is not allowed.
      • Individuals employed by industry (pharmaceutical or device companies) should submit an Emerging Science Industry poster. (link to application)
    • Registration – The presenting author is required to register and attend AADE18.  To receive the lowest price, register by Friday, April 27.  All presenting authors must be registered by Friday, June 22.
    • Promotional materials – AADE reserves the right to change session titles, descriptions, etc. for use in the promotional materials.

Submission Deadline: Friday, June 1, 2018 (11:59 PM Central)

Click here to submit a poster

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