Speaker Presentation Submission Guidelines
Speakers must submit their presentation via AADE’s Upload Center website.
Once submitted, presentations are reviewed by AADE Content Development staff to ensure they do not include any perceived commercial bias. You will be notified if edits need to be made to your presentation.
Presentation Tips
Melissa Dobbins shares her top tips to make a good impression during your presentation. Watch her video to learn more!
Steps for Preparing the Presentation
- We recommend using the AADE18 Annual Conference PowerPoint template.
- Make sure the first slide of the presentation includes the title of the presentation and names of the presenters as accepted by the AADE Annual Conference Planning Committee.
- AADE does not impose a slide limit, however, presentations should allow 10 minutes of question and answer time.
- Commercial logos and marketing messages are prohibited in presentations. Please be sure there are no product details or business pitches.
- Fonts – AADE can only supply fonts that are included in the base installation of Windows. Any font other than these will need to be embedded into your PowerPoint presentation. AADE suggests using the fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial and Tahoma. Use of fonts not included in Windows can lead to words that bleed into graphics or bullets that may be the wrong style.
- Please save your presentation using the following file name: LastName_FirstName_DDMM For example:
On February 5, Lisa Boehner would save her file as: Boehner_Lisa_0502
On March 13, John Worthers would save his file as: Worthers_John_1303
NEW Language Guidance for Diabetes-related Research, Education, and Publications
As you prepare your presentation, please keep the following in mind, regarding language and diabetes. We no longer use the word “diabetic” in any context at AADE. Instead we use “person with diabetes,” “person living with diabetes,” or “diabetes-related.” We are working hard to change the language around diabetes by adopting person-centered, strengths-based, and empowering words and messages. Please do not use “compliant,” “adherent,” or “control” regarding people who have diabetes, because these can be judgmental terms.
Please refer to this resource as you prepare your poster. It contains a more comprehensive list for your convenience. Please do not use the words in the “problematic” list; instead stick with the “preferred” terms. If you are interested in learning more about the language movement in diabetes, please read the joint AADE/ADA paper also found on the AADE website.
Steps for Submitting Presentation
An email will be sent with a link to the session upload center. Please note that the email will contain your username and password.
- Once you click the link, your credentials will be pre-populated. Make sure to save this email or save the link to your Favorites, as you will need to access this site to make changes to your presentation.
- You will be directed to the User “Tasks” section of the site. Follow each step
- Click on the link Upload Files (located in the right section of the page).
- Select Browse to find your presentation.
- Once your files are selected click Submit to upload the files.
Accessing the Presentation Onsite
- If you choose to, you may review and edit your presentation onsite in the Speaker Ready Room.
- Your presentation will be automatically loaded on the computer in your presentation room.
- All session rooms include a computer, LCD projector, screen, slide advancer, sound support and microphones for presentations.
- When it is your turn, your presentation will be projected onto the screen by a technician.
- Once the presentation is launched, you will control the program using a slide advancer.
Important Information
- Computers in session rooms are Windows-based PCs, using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007.
- All videos should be an .avi or .mpg (not .mov) format, so they run properly.
- Presentations should be reviewed in the Speaker Ready Room to confirm that the file displays correctly.
For additional information on creating Power Point 2007 presentations or earlier versions, please see the PowerPoint Help Website.
Audio Visual
All session rooms will be equipped with a computer, LCD projector, screen and appropriate number of lavaliere microphones for speakers. Computers in session rooms are Windows-based PC’s, using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007. No additional audio/visual equipment or requests will be accommodated. We encourage all speakers to bring a back-up of their presentation on a CD-ROM or an USB flash drive/memory stick. All videos should be an .avi or .mpg (not .mov) format so they run properly.
Speaker Ready Room
All PowerPoint presentations can be reviewed and edited in the Speaker Ready Room. It is highly recommended that you check in to the Speaker Ready Room at least 2 hours prior to your session. Edits made to your Power Point files will be updated in the Mobile app and online planner at either 12noon or 12midnight, depending on the time your edits are made. Use this room to meet with your co-presenters ahead of time. AADE recommends you bring a copy of your presentation to the conference in case of a problem.
Presentations are viewable in the AADE mobile app and online planner. You may, but are not required to, bring copies of your abstract or other educational, non-commercial handouts for distribution at your expense and are responsible for their removal post-event. AADE does not reimburse for copying or handout supplies.
No speaker substitutions may be made after the abstract review process has been completed. Individuals employed by industry (pharmaceutical or device companies) are not permitted to present, unless the topic is unrelated to their products or services. Use of industry supplied slides or handouts is not allowed.
If for any reason you are unable to present, AADE must be informed of all cancellations or changes immediately up to the time of your presentation. Please notify the AADE Meeting Services Department at email protected as soon as possible. “No Shows” are strictly monitored and will not be allowed to present for at least one year.