Next Level Education Tracks at AADE18: AADE7™ in Practice
Melanie Batchelor, RD, MHS, LDN, CDE
This year at AADE18 you will see that the typical conference format has changed. We are offering several tracks with a clearly defined focus. I am particularly excited about the AADE7™ In Practice track!
We all know that the AADE7-Self Care Behaviors™ are at the core of successful diabetes management. With this in mind, we designed a track that will focus on these core areas with innovative approaches including teaching strategies, tools and resources. We worked with top-notch presenters to bring you fun, case-based, hands-on sessions that will engage and inspire you! Why just listen when you can participate?
In this track, you will have the opportunity to exercise, taste-test, counsel, trouble-shoot and more. One session that you’ll want to hang around for is Plant-Based Culinary Skills for a Healthy Gut. This session on Monday afternoon is well worth the wait (you know the saying, ‘save the best for last’). You will hear from multiple experts on the science of plant-based nutrition, gut health and the usefulness in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. If that doesn’t sound exciting enough, this presentation also includes a hands-on case study as well as a cooking demonstration and taste test.
Bring your passion and appetite to join me and thousands of other diabetes educators in Baltimore for AADE18! Hurry and register today because this is sure to be the best conference yet.