Psychosocial Session Track at AADE 18
Jasmine D. Gonzalvo, PharmD, BCPS, BC-ADM, CDE, LDE
In recent years, across the nation, much more attention has been focused on mental health. Recognizing the five signs that someone may be struggling is an important component of the Campaign to Change Direction, which aims to “change the culture of mental health in America so that all of those in need receive the care and support they deserve.” In line with this healthcare focus, AADE18 (taking place this August in Baltimore, MD) will offer a psychosocial/behavioral health track.
Diabetes educators often encounter people who struggle with a variety of mental health issues, ranging from diabetes distress to serious mental illness. Unfortunately, our resources for support are often limited. AADE18 is packed with presentations aimed at addressing obstacles faced by diabetes educators who are looking to expand their toolbox of mental health resources. This track will feature expert, engaging speakers from around the nation who will speak on overcoming barriers, engaging support systems, college transition planning, motivational interviewing, effective communication strategies, shared decision making, disordered eating, overall best practices and more!
Mary deGroot, PhD, is a clinical health psychologist and well-known leading expert in the field of mental health in diabetes. She has contributed to more than 50 publications in this topic area. At AADE18, she will be presenting about the relationship of mental health issues and diabetes: implications for diabetes educators. You won’t want to miss her session! In the psychosocial/behavioral health track, you will also have the opportunity to hear from presenters from the College Diabetes Network, the Diabulimia Helpline, and many more incredibly knowledgeable experts. AADE18 will provide you with essential education on how to support patients with diabetes who experience mental illness. Hope to see you there!