Prediabetes Day at AADE16
The AADE 2016 President, Hope Warshaw MMSc, RD, CDE, BC-ADM, FAADE discusses what is in store for the new prediabetes day at AADE16. Read more
Don’t Miss These AADE16 Events
All of us at AADE Headquarters are very excited about the upcoming annual conference in San Diego. Read more
Welcome to San Diego, AADE16!
We look forward to welcoming you to San Diego, also known as America’s Finest City, in the beautiful state of California. Read more
Greetings from your AADE16 Host
“I can’t wait to get to know y’all and celebrate you as the diabetes educators that are shaping the industry and the lives of people with diabetes!” – Jim Turner, AADE16 Host Read more
Wonder whether you are ready for a job in industry?
Have you considered how our rapidly changing healthcare landscape impacts your current role and even more importantly, your future career goals? Do you find yourself at a career crossroads or perhaps thinking about where a career in diabetes education can take you? Read more
Monday, Monday, So Good To Me
“I had the enviable opportunity this year to be a member of the AADE Annual Meeting Planning Committee (AMPC). It’s been very rewarding, actually a blast. I think you are really going to enjoy the entire meeting from general sessions to all the concurrent sessions.” – Laurel Fuqua, RN, MSN, CMC Read more
Embrace Change!
“I am reveling in a year that is championing change for diabetes education and educators! Why now? And really… who am I to think that I can recognize any change?” – Carolé Mensing, RN, MA, CDE, FAADE Read more
Why Wouldn’t You Attend AADE16?
If you are interested in cutting edge information on diabetes care and education, why wouldn’t you attend the 2016 American Association of Diabetes Educators Annual Conference? This meeting is the only meeting geared specifically towards diabetes educators. Read more
San Diego 2016: The Forecast Calls for Success
You told us what you value most, and you will find all that and more this August in San Diego. We look forward to embracing the changes that surround us, strengthening the future of diabetes educators and celebrating your successes. Read more