Speaker Benefits
Speaker Benefits
Oral Presenters: Receive complimentary FULL PROGRAM registration for AADE17.
All Speakers must register themselves for AADE17 in order to present. A private registration link will be emailed to speakers with instructions on how to complete their Speaker Registration.
Below are notes that you should know:
- Registration opens March 2017.
- An email with instructions on how to register will be sent in early March, when registration opens.
- The speaker discounted rate will only be available until June 16, 2017.
Invited Speakers: Receive complimentary FULL PROGRAM registration for AADE17. A private registration link will be emailed to speakers with instructions on how to complete their Speaker Registration.
Poster Presenters: The presenting author is required to register and attend AADE17 for at least the day of the poster presentation (Friday, August 4 – Sunday, August 6; One hour per day). No discount will be offered.
All speakers will be responsible for covering their own lodging expense. Click here to visit the Hotel Information page to see the available hotels, rate and distance to the convention center.
All Speakers are able to utilize the AADE discounted transportation options. Click here to visit the travel/transportation page to view the negotiated discounts.